Wednesday, 19 January 2011

FInd current financial year start and end dates - CR

To find the start date and finish date of the current financial year for subsequent use in various calculations:

Start of year formula:

Local Datetimevar dates := CURRENTDATETIME();
Local Datetimevar startfinancialyear;

IF MONTH(dates) IN [1,2,3]
THEN startfinancialyear := (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates)-1,4,1))
ELSE startfinancialyear := (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates),4,1));

End of year formula:
Local Datetimevar dates := CURRENTDATETIME();
Local Datetimevar endfinancialyear;

IF MONTH(dates) IN [1,2,3]
THEN endfinancialyear := (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates),3,31))
ELSE endfinancialyear := (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates)+1,3,31));

Alteration: The End of year formula gets the last day of the financial year, i.e. 31st March. However, it returns the value for the very start of the day (31/03/xxxx 00:00:00) which when incorporated into a selection formula could potential lead to records logged during that final day being excluded.

A correction would be:

End of year formula (correction):
Local Datetimevar dates := CURRENTDATETIME();
Local Datetimevar endfinancialyear;

IF MONTH(dates) IN [1,2,3]
THEN endfinancialyear := DATEADD("s" , -1, (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates),4,1)))
ELSE endfinancialyear := DATEADD("s" , -1, (DATESERIAL (YEAR(dates)+1,4,1)));

Thus, returning a value of "31/03/xxxx 23:59:59"

(Currently set up for use in the UK)

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Using the EXCEPT clause wrapped in a CTE - SQL

--example EXCEPT clause wrapped in CTE
WITH RogueEstab
SELECT EstablishmentID FROM Establishment
SELECT JobLog_EstablishmentID FROM JobLog
SELECT RE.EstablishmentID, E.EstablishmentName FROM RogueEstab AS RE
INNER JOIN Establishment AS E
ON RE.EstablishmentID = E.EstablishmentID

Using the EXCEPT clause - SQL

--example EXCEPT clause....lists EstablishmentID without corresponding Jobs
SELECT EstablishmentID FROM Establishment
SELECT JobLog_EstablishmentID FROM JobLog
ORDER BY EstablishmentID

Using the OVER clause - SQL

--using OVER clause to get count of SubTypes
SELECT E.EstablishmentName, S.JobSubTypeDescription
,COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY S.JobSubTypeDescription) AS nums
JobLog AS J ON E.EstablishmentID=J.JobLog_EstablishmentID INNER JOIN
JobSubType AS S ON J.JobLog_JobSubTypeID=S.JobSubTypeID
ORDER BY E.EstablishmentName